Monday, June 25, 2007

Moving right along . . .

Our most recent task as a Stake Relief Society was to have a Young Women Transition to Relief Society event.

In honor of the occasion, I finally finished making aprons for my presidency - something I've been wanting to do ever since we were called 9 months ago. (Maybe aprons gestate like humans??) (Mine wasn't ironed - so I wore one of my vintage ones that was ironed!)

It was not an elaborate affair - there were 12 girls in the stake graduating from high school, so I made them aprons and put them in gift bags with the Relief Society logo on the bag. We did it at the Lemon Building on Sunday afternoon.

We invited ward YW and Relief Society presidents to attend. The Stake YW leaders were there too.

Only 3 of the 12 girls came - but it was a great afternoon. Maybe the others had good excuses - I visited one very less active girl beforehand and gave her her apron on Sunday morning since I definitely knew she was not coming.

I plan to visit each girl to give her the apron and a welcome.

Sue Cornwall was our speaker - and she gave a great talk on aprons and what they mean to women and Relief Society - she talked about how they represent service, hard work and protection. You can see her summary with some great photographs here.

The transition activity used to be done in our stake, but hasn't been done for several years. It was not on the stake calendar, so I don't think everyone really understood what we were trying to do. But I wanted to get it started again - and this was a very good start.

Watch us next year!! (Sue is talking about how we could do a theme with knitting - but what will I make for each girl - I don't knit??)


Sue Cornwall said...

I think you should stick with the aprons - it was such a fantastic activity and the girls really loved them. A great event. Thanks for caring for all the women in our stake - young and old.

bonny with a Y said...

mom - the apron idea rocked - as do you.

Miss Five said...

WOW! I wish there had been this great transition when I left YW! Hooray for such a great way to make the newest members of RS feel so welcome.

Now I have to find some super cute fabric for my apron!!

Eliza said...

It was a great idea and I am glad that the girls who went had a good experience. I agree, I wish I had had something like this when I left YW. Three cheers for Mom!