Thursday, January 08, 2015

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year, may we all have a vision now and then, of a world where every neighbor is a friend. . ."

These are the people I love most in the world - there are certainly others I love dearly - like my parents and family - but these are the near and dear who gathered with us this holiday season for our annual celebration of Terrill Coolness!

And now they are mostly all gone home - Hannah and Rhoda are here for a few more days, but Hannah is off visiting with a girlfriend - and I'm taking down the tree - always a melancholy task!

This feeling, almost a feeling of loss, overtakes me each year - and I'm always surprised by the fact that it feels new every time!  A psychologist friend suggested I dive into the cleaning and de-cluttering this time of year seems to mandate - she says motion dispels these feelings quite effectively - and she's right - and soon enough I'm feeling excited about decorating for Valentine's day or finishing my Christmas cards or diving into a new book.

But meanwhile, I hanker to just gaze at the photos and start to plan for next year!

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