Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Racing right along on the trail to 52 books a year!!

I read the Flavia de Luce novels a few years ago, and happened on one that didn't really catch my fancy, so I left them alone.  I think I've already explained this.  So now I'm back into them - but I think this is the last one - at least until another one comes out in print - and actually I should have read this one before I read The Chimney Sweeps Come to Dust.  But reading them out of order isn't fatal - I enjoyed them both.

There's a lot of espionage in this one and lots of British/WW II history too.  If you get into this series, you will enjoy this one.

Since I'd read Tuck Everlasting multiple times over the years - it's core-lit - I thought I'd love another book by the same author.  

Wrong.  This one is kind of mystical like Tuck, but not nearly so compelling and poetic.

But it's pretty short.  And might be a good read aloud choice for elementary kids.

So it's almost mid-March - and I'm on book number 15!!

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