Sunday, February 07, 2016

"A book you can finish in a day!"

I have been picking away at my 2016 Reading Challenge.  My latest read was the "A book you can read in a day" category.

It was a quick read, a good story, fairly well written, and not too cliche ridden. It's the story of two relatively young people - in the late 30's - who both have early onset Alzheimers.  They both - the man and the woman - end up in the same assisted living facility.  You can imagine the turn the story takes.

What adds to the story is the inclusion or frame story of a woman and her young daughter who come to work at the facility.  The husband and father of this family recently committed suicide after being found out for a Ponzi scheme he had engineered.  Eve and her daughter become involved in the lives of the residents and workers at Rosilind House and the story takes off from there.

Some of the twists and turns are a little too "pat" but by and large the story is mostly believable - and that's why we have "the willing suspension of disbelief" isn't it??

The characters are sympathetic and not always two-dimensional - but mostly.  It's lightweight for a heavyweight topic, but it is a good read. 

And one more category is now checked off!

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