Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Summer in Centerville

This is a shot from the days in the Rock House. I'm sure it must be 1974, since Alice was pregnant with Erika.

Note Dale's stylish and hip beard.

And the fact that at 4 years of age, Bonny is still wearing a bib. I was a little o/c then I think. But she's always been a clean, tidy girl!!


Alice said...

By the time Erika was born Dale had a true Grizzly Adams' beard. It was very, very bushy.

Phoebe said...

I like Dale's beard. Very hip.
I can't believe you made Bonny wear a bib for that long. Calvin has been refusing since he turned one!

grannybabs said...

I didn't "make" her do it, she was always worried about spilling on her clothes! Like I said, she always been clean and tidy!

Kaahl said...

Dad is so Indie it hurts sometimes.

HPT said...

How did Porter get into that picture?