Friday, October 27, 2006

Baby Equipment Over the Years

Baby walker - 1978
Originally uploaded by grannybabs.
Eliza's recent post on recommendations for baby equiment struck a responsive chord in the blogger audience.

It got me thinking about all the baby equiment I have known and loved over the years. Gone are the days when you just padded a bureau drawer to make a bed for baby - although we actually had friends who did just that.

This photo shows Lyn with Harry F. and Betsy in 1974 I think. And the featured equipment is a baby walker! Not a watershed piece of baby gear - but it did provide some diversion in the kitchen when you were fixing dinner.

It wasn't mine - and I'm not sure where this photo was taken or whose walker it was. But I did have one once - probaby a borrowed one though.


Betsy said...

That would be the Kerksiek house - we had the lovely bright red-orange shag carpet!!!

Betsy said...

Also, I don't think that was 1978 - I would have been five and I don't look 5. Maybe it was a year or two earlier.

grannybabs said...

It's not '78 - it's like '74.