This baby equipment photo shows the kitchen of the Rock House - and the window that looked out onto the glassed in front porch - where I sat and had many a conversation with Alice on the phone - note the phone cord!!
And it's Harry and his Raggedy Andy - about 1973.
But the post is about the Cosco highchair, circa 1971. My dad "bought" it for us with S&H Green Stamps. It lasted through 5 kids - and only had to be retired because the attaching mechanism on the tray wore out!!
I loved how it could be hauled outside and scrubbed and hosed off and brought in all shiny clean again! And there wasn't even a tear in the plasic covering the back or seat!!
They just don't make things like they used to.
The other photo comes from the kitchen of the Cook Apts. And it's Bonny feeding Phoebe in early 1978.
Do you notice that we have Proper Nouns for the places we've lived? The House of Do Chung, Johnson's Place, The Douglas Basement, The Portia Apts., Butterfield Arms, The Rock House, Harris' House, The Cook Apts, The Duplex, The Nauvoo House, The House on Lime, The Primrose House?
I'll bet Harry P. is the only one who knows all of them!! There's a post lurking in that last paragraph!!
I think I had a shirt just like the one Bonny has on. I can remember it being one of my favs. It was red and white checked and had a little "v" in the neck. It also had these little rose appliques and a "Made Especially For You by Barbara" tags.
Oh, the joys of favorite childhood clothes!
I actually vividly remember making those blouses - it was a muggy day and we were living in the Cook Apts.
I LOVED that blouse.
And I loved feeding Phoebe.
Ahhh the joys of childhood.
Ahhh the joys of having a mother who sews.
my poor children.
Bonny, are you telling us you don't sew? I sew, but not a lot. Kindof in spurts. I am appreciative of being able to sew formal dresses for my girls! (I took many sewing lessons and can remember much help from Barbara! Thanks!)(and thanks to my mom who made got me into the lessons)
Buy the way, the baby equipment posts have been fun. It is amazing how things change over time. Some of the things around when Melissa was born are not considered safe now!
We still have the wood high chair we bought for her, the tray attachment is broken and we can't find a replacement, but we still use the chair as a high stool at the table!
Barbara we still have a highchair just like the one in the picture bought with green stamps. I recovered it years ago and it is still used when little ones come to visit. Works great.
KAren, I know how to sew - I just never get to it.
My machine does not work well, so that's another excuse.
One day.
Actually my neighbor, Lynne, sews a lot - so sometimes we go over there to sew. That's how I recovered my couch pillows. Or rather she did.
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