Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Girls of '45 get together

A few years ago, we figured out that there were 4 of us on the staff at Clifton who were born in 1945!! (The shot below is November of 2005.)

So we went and had a "glamor" shot taken! (In this case, "glamor" means fuzzy - so we look better!!)

Michele - in the burgundy sweater - retired almost 2 years ago - so we had a little mini-reunion tonight - at Mimi's restaurant.

There really is something to be said about coming from the same era. And 3 of us went to LA Unified high schools!! (so we can talk about what our P.E. clothes looked like, since all LA Unified high schools wore identical P.E. clothes, back in the day anyway!!)

Here's to friends - of any vintage!!


Kitty said...

Clifton Ladies are so beautiful. I just found your blog and I'm so excited.
love you,

Phoebe said...

I love the line "glamor means fuzzy". Funny!