Thursday, April 03, 2008


I find pithy sayings throughout the ubiquitous women's magazines that end up collecting in my magazine basket - or on the back of the toilet!

And they often strike me as useful little life lessons.

So I will share one: "If you have charm, you don't need to have anything else; and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have."

This comes from none other than J.M. Barrie!

And charm usually is connected with talking about women, but I find many of my students charming - and many of them not.

But just like Mr. Barrie said, without it, nothing else matters!

Who do you find charming? And why?


D. Scott said...

My wife.
She attracts people and friends like bees to honey, it is innate in her.
I however will be working through out eternity to acquire it.

grannybabs said...

Oh, I don't know - you are pretty charming yourself.

But I agree about Shelley.