Friday, April 11, 2008

A Mother's Trials

Calvin's recent brush with the tooth fairy brought reminders of Hannah's famous episode - back in 1991. The photo below was taken a couple of days after the "wreck!" I thought we had shots that were much more "gruesome" but I can't find them. Hannah may actually have them.

Since Calvin told the story! in his own words, I thought I'd let you all hear Hannah's own words about her accident. She recorded this a few years later in her scrapbook - but it's still pretty poignant!

This shot is of Hannah about a week after the accident - kids do heal quickly.

So here's her story:

The Story

Eliza and I were going to race on our bikes down the street (a very steep street.) As I was going down, I fell over my handle bars, knoking (sic) out my front teeth (baby teeth), and popping 3 buttons off of my dress. I had to wash my mouth with hydrogen peroxide. After that, I lived a good life of Jello, pudding, and T.V.

Let me add that it was very traumatic - I guess you had to be there, but Eliza came sort of quietly up the driveway and said, "Hannah is bleeding." When we went to investigate, there was Hannah, bleeding indeed, and pushing her bike back home! I think they were both somewhat abashed because I am sure we had told them to be very careful since the street was steep.

The very poignant part was the way Hannah said, after seeing her face in the mirror, "Will I always look like this?"

I'm sure we've told this story countless times before - and probably on the blog too - but it is indeed a cautionary tale.

But the other alternative is to let your kids live in a hothouse instead of the real world.

It's the price we pay!


amy k said...

You have to be able to make memories somehow. I agree.

bonny with a Y said...

it is hard to let children be children, but sometimes it's even harder to watch or guard them all the time.

i had similar chat at a meeting at school the other day. they were discussing kids climbing the trees near the bus drop. i said let them climb and if they fall, they'll all learn to be more careful.

everyone responded that WE'D all learn because the school would get sued.

D. Scott said...

I think it is just something about being at your house!(jk)
The one serious face dance I can remember in my life was while sledding down a hill in either Provo or SLC. I think it might have been the year BB was born. I know we came up for a visit that Christmas.
Either way I learned that ice burns are really a drag and I was done sledding on that hill.