Monday, May 18, 2009

Some late night thoughts

(This photo has little to do with the post - except it does include several close relatives of mine!!)

I should just go to bed!! But I seem to get a second wind around 10 p.m. - and I don't sleep all that well with my knees bothering me, so I think, "Well, I'll blog a bit - that might make me tired!1"

(I laze around on the couch with ice on my knees for most of the time after I get off work - probably another reason why I'm not so sleepy at night - I do a lot of "dozing!")

I am giving the lesson on unity from Elder Eyring's talk last October, and so I have been thinking a lot about unity. I was especially impressed reading the lines about how we can always find common ground if we try hard enough. Then in the LA Times this morning, I read about President Obama's speech at Notre Dame, and of course, he focused on the same theme - finding common ground.

I was thinking that is pretty good advice for all of us - looking for similarities and not differences. It's a lot like looking for the good before you mention the bad. Or, just as Elder Eyring said, "If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all.")

My brother Bobby and his wife June once lived in the Monrovia Ward after we had been split into the Monrovia East Ward. After a bit, someone said, "Oh, I thought June was your sister, I didn't see any resemblance to your brother." And sometimes I've been known to say about a relative or two that if they weren't a relative, I probably wouldn't even be acquainted with them!!

And that seems a shame - a shared heritage and I don't feel a connection!! Fortunately I have matured and find myself looking for ways to connect with people. And finding that we really can find common ground if we look for it - we don't even have to look hard, we just have to look!

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