Monday, May 21, 2012

One of those days!

I hate days that are "non-stop."  Probably because I had one today.  I had a sub-day even - I had 5 scheduled IEP's and testing that needed completing - and our contract allows us so many sub days a year for such contingencies - so I took one.

But it was still crazy!!  I had an excellent sub - no problems or pressure there.  But some parents did not show.  There was a power surge and the computers went down - and our phone system is linked to the computers, so the phones were down.  And my IEP system is internet based.  And I thought I'd printed out one of the IEP's, but it turned out I had not printed it out.

You get my drift.

But that wasn't what was tough.  What was tough was the fact that one thing after another required my attention - and no one but me would do!!  Not as flattering as you might think!

School can be stressful on the one hand because your day is run on a schedule that announces itself with bells.  Normally the bells don't create stress.  But sometimes the bells are the straw that breaks the camel's back.

One of those days.

It's a good thing they don't happen every day!

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