Friday, June 08, 2012

"Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime. . ."

School is out for the next 11 weeks - it seems to get shorter every year!!  I packed up my room today - an odious task - made more odious by the pressure to be done - pressure from the librarian, the nurse, the custodian, and the office manager who have to sign you out!

Usually I start two weeks before - doing a little every day - that way I don't overburden my 3 paltry wastebaskets!!

But this year I didn't.  I did some last week - but not much.  I should have thrown more away - instead I just stuffed it all into cupboards and closets.  It will all be there in August - and I will wonder why I didn't pack up more carefully!!

It's this way most years.  In fact, I do lots of things that way.

But I'm not going to let it spoil my holiday!!

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