Sunday, February 03, 2008

"I'm it!"

So Hannah "tagged" me and hopefully I'm doing it right!

5 things on my "to do" list to day:

1. Fast
2. Fix dinner for 14 people
3. Write thank you notes to the teachers who taught today - because they did a a great job.
4. Type up handout for R.S. for next week's ward conference - I still don't have a secretary - they took her to be a ward R.S. President.
5. Do the rest of the 1993 anniversary post.

5 snacks I enjoy:

1. Lightbulb cookies
2. Kettlecorn microwave popcorn in 100 calorie packs.
3. Clementines
4. Cut up Pink Lady apples
5. Baked Cheetos 100 calorie packs - Mini Bites

(somehow the 100 calorie designation brings me solace and comfort!!)

What I would do if I was given a billion dollars:

Buy a Craftsman house - a big one - and remodel it to look like the Gamble House and put in a pool and hire a lifeguard so I could enjoy the pool! Or maybe buy a Mediterranean house - an old one, like the beauties on Orange Grove - and do the pool thing there too.

3 Bad Habits:

1. Staying up too late.
2. Suggesting events, projects, etc.
3. Staying up late implementing aforementioned events or projects.

5 places I have lived:

1. Burbank, CA
2. Long Beach, CA
3. Grenoble, France
4. Centerville, Utah
5. El Monte, CA

5 jobs I have had:

1. Summer playground aide - LAUSD
2. Laundress, BYU
3. Transcript clerk, U of U Registrar's Office
4. Expediter, Century Record Mfg. Co.
5. Office Manager, HPT, Inc.

5 things (most) people don't know about me:

1. My "car" was once a '41 Chevy 3/4 ton flat bed truck with a sheepherder's cabin on it.
2. I was on a high school Homecoming Court.
3. I was on the student council that implemented a 3.5 GPA rule to be on Homecoming Court.
4. I hitch-hiked in eastern France for a period of time in 1966.
5. I had spaghetti for Thanksgiving dinner in 1963.

5 people I am tagging: (how will they know about this? - this is a time-consuming process - no wonder people don't do it!)

1. Scott
2. Karen
3. Amy
4. Heather
5. Melissa

I feel so au courant!!


bonny with a Y said...

mom - you are SO courant

Melissa The Beautiful said...

I didn't know you lived in France! How long did you live there?

Eliza said...

you forgot to put what you were doing 10 yrs ago

grannybabs said...

Melissa, I went to school at the University of Grenoble from January to June of 1966. It was a great experience - a BYU Study Abroad program.

And Eliza, I wasn't clear about that - but I will add it on!!

Phoebe said...

I will forever love your plan on the Student Council for a 3.5 GPS. Classic Babs!