Thursday, February 07, 2008

Pumpkin Cookies a la Frazzled

We have had a death in our ward, and I am the visiting teacher to the wife in the household, so I was making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I also made dinner, so I took the bowl of cookie dough with me so the kids could help me bake them.

They didn't come out well - I was perplexed. Then decided it was the stove - the one daughter said, "Yes, it doesn't work very well. It's vintage." People were eating them and not complaining, but they really didn't look right.

So I went home and thought, I'll bake them and drop them off in the a.m. on my way to school. But they were just as bad in my oven! What was wrong?

I checked the recipe thinking I hadn't used enough flour. Well, I'd forgotten the eggs!!!

There's something to be said against multi-tasking - the distraction factor!

So I stirred an egg into the remaining dough and then scraped the ones on the cookie sheet into the bowl too. They had been in the oven maybe 90 seconds - and the chocolate chips had melted. So the dough turned chocolaty brown. They tasted fine - a little different - more gingerbready Harry thinks. But they looked suspicious!

So I whipped up another batch - and they were lovely!!

And I dropped them off this a.m. on the way to work with a typed sheet explaining the mystery of the failed pumpkin cookies.

There might be a lesson here, but I'm not sure just what it is. I plan to remember it though and use it in a lesson or talk someday!


Karen said...

Well, at least you only forgot the eggs. One time I used Cumin instead of nutmeg. Spicy pumpkin cookies, and not in a good way! Being distracted can effect the outcome of your cooking. One of the lessons I've learned from this is that my kids don't forget those kinds of mistakes. (Remember when mom...)

grannybabs said...

To this day, my husband remembers when I fixed pork chops for him - we weren't even married yet - and I put in way too much salt - I couldn't eat them - he cleaned his plate!

Amy Girl said...

What a good man.

There most certainly is a lesson here - perhaps it's "if at first you don't succeed try try again" or maybe "it pays to pay attention" or "it really is o.k if it's not perfect" or even
"(fill in the blank; eggs, prayer, scriptures, kindness, patience, faith, children, a shower, makeup, nylons, ice cream, fruit, a friend, q-tips), makes all the difference".

Well, you get my drift. Oh, I would love your recipe.

bonny with a Y said...

cumin- wow!

mmm- i could use a few pumpkin cookies right now.

Phoebe said...

I love that you included a typed sheet explaining the mystery of the failed cookies. Classic Babs!