For FHE last night, Dad and walked down to Blockbuster and rented "La Vie En Rose."

I read her "bio" and found that they had most of the facts straight. Then I read some reviews that were less than complimentary.
Upon reflection, some of the criticisms were well-deserved. But I like the "film noir" aspects - I thought they conveyed the sorrow and despair of her life quite well.
And even the reviewers conceded that the scene when she learns that her lover Marcel has died in a plane crash was shot "brilliantly."
And you just can't go wrong with Piaf's larger than life voice. Tom Moore introduced your dad to Edith Piaf - and then Dad introduced her to me.
Vive la Piaf!! (loved the scene where the 10 year old Edith sings the Marseillaise!)
bruce and i watched it as well - we enjoyed it - but it was waaay too long - and rather depressing as well - what is it with artists and substance abuse? so discouraging.
I really want to see that still! Thanks for the reminder.
It was long. And depressing.
There are many who say you can be a true artist without heartache and sorrow.
And substance abuse could certainly bring that on!
I'm not sure what the true connection is.
And a great artist like Pete Seeger didn't fall into that trap.
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