Sunday, March 02, 2008

I believe in blogging!!

I was delighted to discover a comment on my post about my friend Janice - from her daughter!!

I am feeling that the photos from that era are very deficient - blurry, unidentified. But Lisa has some very sharp and clear memories of that time period. I hope she will comment more - I don't even remember exactly how old she was at the time - she was in school, I remember that.

I am pretty sure that these two photos are of her and her brothers - I don't recognize the couch, so it must be someone else's house.

And this photo is Bonny and Harry in the window seat of the kitchen in the old rock house in Centerville. I spent many an hour in that window seat talking on the phone with Alice or my mom or one of my friends - like Janice!

I like this photo - when I look at it, I see some of Porter, some of Baby Harry, some of Ara and some of Annika.

And of course, a lot of Bonny and Harry!

I must be getting old - I love to reminisce about the past! Isn't that what old people do??

1 comment:

Jillybean said...

My cousin Lisa just told me about the post you wrote about her mom, my aunt Janice.
I also remember that old house on 5th south, visiting there, and playing with my cousins. What fun memories you have brought back to me.
What a lovely post you wrote about Janice, she was such a great lady!