Monday, March 31, 2008

There is a huge emphasis on "going green" these days. And it's long overdue. I'm glad to see it coming back in style. (For you "young types," being eco savvy seems to go in and out of fashion.)

I've been advocating canvas grocery bags, recycling, walking instead of driving, and always looking for ways to "walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do."

But I saw a quote today that I really liked, so I thought I'd share it. Maybe even make it my new email signature:

"Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites."

William Ruckelshaus

How are you "going green?"


Amy Girl said...

I love that too Barbara. Our March theme in Cubs was "Litter to Glitter". We learned a lot about recycling and taking care of our planet. I am big on recycling. I was amazed to find out so many leaders and Cub families did not recycle. To me it just seems so easy. Anyway, I hope our efforts helped people become more green conscious.

I really want to stop using plastic/paper at the grocery store. I think that will be my next effort. I've been rolling it over in my mind for some time now. I just hate the waste and believe me with 7 in our family there are too many plastic/paper bags hanging out at our house.

grannybabs said...

I have a lovely collection of bags that the different stores sell for you to carry home your purchases. I keep them all in the Trader Joe's bag - because it has stiff sides. I've yet to have some store grumble because I did it. I guess plastic grocery bags are being banned in some cities.

I love Cub Scouts - keep up the good work!

Karen said...

I recycle, and I have replaced many of our lights with florecent bulbs,(though now I'm wondering about that, because they have to be disposed of like hazardous waste)
I also have reuseable grocery bags that I use.

bonny with a Y said...

great slogan -

i use fabric bags as well - i get a 5 cent credit for each one at the market. it's only a matter of time before the stores start charging us for bags.

we also use fabric reusable sandwich bags - we go through A LOT of baggies - and i'm trying to cut down in that area.

and we are trying to go green by consuming less, much less, and by consuming only well made items that we will use for years and years.

maybe we will boycott items made in china in honor of the olympics and all the drama involving tibet and darfur.

and we do run biodiesel in our car - but i drive so much it cancels out any good the bio might do. and i am trying to drive less. and we're replacing our lightbulbs as they burn out with the fluorescent bulbs.

and we are trying to do activities together that don't involve money. although we do have a weakness for going out to dinner as a family.

and what a great activity for your cubs - pretty soon it will be second nature for them.

grannybabs said...

Fabric sandwich baggies - haven't seen them - but would like to.

Amy Girl said...

Re-usable lunch bags! Now that makes me curious. Where do you find those?

CW is my only child who likes school lunch. I find that if I endulge them the first year or two, they realize on their own how bad it is and will finally convert back to taking their own lunch. I guess I figure we are doing our part (minus CW twice a week) taking our lunches to school. School lunch has so much waste: food & containers etc. But if there are re-usable sandwich baggies out there I can clearly do more.

Heather said...

great ideas! I have the canvas bags for the grocery too, my problem is trying to remember I have them.