Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What I just read -

It was a warm day today - and that's an understatement.  I was also up late last night.  So when I flopped on the couch to read this, I promptly fell asleep.

But that's okay - since I was then rested enough to wake up and read it all they way through in practically one sitting - a great way to read a book to my way of thinking.

A few months ago, Betsy posted about it, so when it showed up at our book fair, I bought it.  Read a few pages, put it on the shelf, and promptly forgot about it.  (I have a large collection of books that fit that description!!)

Then last night, as I enjoyed a late night chat with Leslie, she mentioned her book group was reading it.  That's why I picked it up today.

It is a great read - I think I may read it to my students when school starts.  It's about a girl with cerebral palsy who has an intact brain - and really understands everything going on around her - but she can't walk, talk, feed herself - and can't explain her thoughts and feelings to others - though some of those around her try to understand her needs.

Then she gets a Medi-Talker - a computer that will speak for her - and her life changes.  For good and bad.  It's a very well-told story about prejudice towards those who are "different."

I won't spoil it - but you - and your teen or tween should read it too!

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