Monday, July 01, 2013

A thousand words!

I have been sorting and filing and tossing and organizing and generally digging a very large hole for myself.  A hole I fear will never get filled!!

That is to say, as I sort and file, I keep finding new directions to go in - and the potential projects are growing by leaps and bounds.

For example, I have been sorting and tossing most of the Christmas cards that I have dutifully saved all these years.  Some of them seem important - but most don't.  After a while, a theme sometimes emerges, and I wish I'd sorted differently.  So sometimes I go back and re-sort.  This has some value, because as I re-sort, I toss even more.

I was going through all the photos and memorabilia I had from Boston over the years.  Of course Harry wants to save lots of it - in fact, I was surprised that he seemed more inclined to keep stuff that I was pretty sure ought to be tossed.  So then I wished I'd sorted the Boston from the St. George from the Hood to Coast from the Fontana Days, etc!!

It never ends I fear!

Which is just a precursor for my thoughts on the above photo.  There are a group of old photos that my Grandfather Clayton - that would be Peter Affleck Clayton - apparently brought back from Holland when he was a missionary there at the turn of the century - the start of the 20th century that is! 

We know nothing about these photos.  They don't appear to be photos he took - they are printed on cardboardy-like paper rather than photo paper.  We don't know if someone gave them to him or if he found them somewhere.  We don't know if they are reflective of what he saw when he was a missionary there and so he wanted to keep them as a remembrance.

I was sorting and filing this morning, and Harry came in and starting looking at them.  He was fascinated by them.  I was really sorry I had no information at all to give him!  He thought it looked like a family reading the scriptures.  He speculated that maybe they used them at church or something when they gave lessons.

We will never know I suspect.  But we - at least I - am going to take a lesson from all this and try to define the pictures and other memorabilia that I am saving.  Not sure exactly the best way to do it - so far I'm labeling the boxes I sort things in to.

Any good ideas floating around out there??

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