Monday, February 23, 2015

A little summer crowd!!

You know, we weren't Okies, but sometimes I think we looked pretty close!!  Not sure why I had those pin curls on my forehead.  And dresses were playclothes too.

Davy Crockett was VERY BIG - hence Charlie's shirt and hat and gun belt!!  Also, notice the Saltwater Sandals!!  Not sure what Mary was trying to measure with her hands either.

And can you tell how many of us have cowlicks??

This cinderblock wall still stands.  We played in the area it enclosed all the time.  The walls served many purposes, not the least of which was hiding us from passersby!!

Speaking of passersby, I have two distinct memories about the yard.  One is that I can remember having a measles quarantine sign on our door.  Mom remembers that too.  And I remember a hobo coming to the door asking Mom if he could do some work for a meal.  She told him to go sit on the curb and she'd bring him out a sandwich.  And she did.  She says she doesn't remember that, but she remembers her mom feeding hobos.  I recall it because my mother made us stay in the house while the guy was on the curb - we were consumed with curiousity!!

I was pretty young for those memories - and I think I'm twelve or more in the above photo.

For those not in the know, it's Mary, Barbara, Alice, Charles, and Richard in front of Barbara.

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