Saturday, February 07, 2015

Another good read!

Once again I was subbing at Clifton and hanging out in the library.  I found this little gem.  It's a bio of Harper Lee, and I loved reading it - finished it in a week of occasional reading.

A few years ago, I was in an airport bookstore and bought this bio of Harper Lee because I needed something to read.  I think I read two or three chapters and then started re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird instead.

The author of both bios is Charles Shields - and I have since discovered that the book I found in the library at Clifton is the simplified version of the bio Mockingbird and the author wrote it for "young people."

I can't find my copy of the "adult" bio, but the kids' version was plenty informative and entertaining.  I would recommend it - especially in light of the news flash this week that Harper Lee will be publishing a 2nd novel in July.

This second novel is actually the first - and only - novel she wrote.  When it was submitted to a publisher, they felt that the flashback sequences had more merit as a story - and those flashback sequences became To Kill a Mockingbird.

But I'm excited to read the heretofore unpublished pages of her first novel.

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