Saturday, April 22, 2006

Saturday is a Special Day!

We had a great day today - picked up Grandma Terrill and drove to Lake Forest for Chuck Taylor's baptism. For those unfamiliar with the story, Chuck, son of Bill and Virginia Taylor, was excommunicated many years ago. Over a year ago, his stepmother gave his current wife a copy of Marvelous Work and a Wonder. She and Chuck have a 7-year old son, Ethan. When Yvette read the part about being sealed to her family, she told Chuck, "I want us to be sealed."

And so began Chuck's journey back into the church. Along the way, his wife took the lessons and joined the church. And yesterday she went with Bill and his wife and received her endowments.

His dad Bill, Grandma Terrill's brother, performed the baptism and confirmation. Jack and Thalia, Chuck and the Bishop's wife sang "Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy." It was great to be with family and share a special time. Bill Taylor also spoke - it was enlightening and entertaining. He lauded Grandma Terrill for her steadiness and great example to all the family. He and Grandma T. not only look a lot alike, they have many of the same mannerisms.

After the baptism, Chuck and his wife bore their testimonies. Yvette is a lovely woman - everytime I get involved with extended family that I haven't had much or any contact with, I am impressed anew at how strong family ties really are.

The picture is of the group - including Larry and Diane Davis - Larry is Virginia's brother and she raised him with her own children. Also Chuck's daughter Kasey is in the picture too. McLean Taylor, Jack and Thalia's son was there too.

It was a great experience - Dad and I were glad we got to be part of the occasion.


The Mom said...

Thank you, it was great to hear how it all turned out.

Eliza said...

I need to freshen up on family history.

If Bill Taylor is the one standing next to Grandma, they do look a lot alike.

Great story.

grannybabs said...

That is Bill next to Grandma - and Chuck certainly looks like him too.