Friday, April 28, 2006

Friday Night Fun!!

Here's the 1977 Easter Shot from Centerville that Blogger wouldn't post when I did an Easter laout. I love the looks on Bonny and Harry's faces!! I'm not sure what was going on - maybe Dad was making faces at them. I made my dress and Bonny's dress - and I was pregnant with Phoebe. The shot is from Harris' back yard - which only Bonny and Harry have a true memory of - or maybe Scott and Karen do too.


D. Scott said...

Is this the same place where Harry Vacafluer (spelling?) stayed with us that summer?

grannybabs said...

Yes - it's Harris' house. There was a swing in the backyard I think. It was Harry Vacaflor - and Harry I think is in contact with his sister sometimes.

bonny with a Y said...

we have funny faces because the sun is blazing - right in our faces.

and i remember Harry Vacaflor too - he caught a tarantula at Schaeffer's house.

bonny with a Y said...

and i loved that dress.

Betsy said...

And Erika and I loved it next when we got it as a hand me down. Of course, anything we got from Bonny was cool so we loved it!

bonny with a Y said...

betsy -that made my day.