Thursday, April 27, 2006

Wednesday, Thursday - where does the time go??

I was scannning through the pictures in my computer and this caught my eye - everyone's seen it - but I was thinking how I have my own "little women" and how much fun they are.

Don't get me wrong, I love the boys - all of them - and adore the daughter-in-law - but having 5 wonderful sisters myself, I'm just happy when I think of all the good times we have had and undoubtedly will have - with my sisters and my daughters - and my granddaughters too.

Louisa May Alcott, my muse at times like this, said, ""I want to do something spendid . . . something heroic or wonderful, that won't be forgotten after I'm dead . . . .I think I shall write books."

Well, I haven't written any books, but I certainly think of our family as something splendid!


Alice said...

How right you are. I am taking a class and one of the questions on the information sheet was: Who would you like to go out to lunch with and where would you go and what would you eat? The last two parts of the question are irrelevant but the answer to the first part is always my sisters and my daughters. They are the ones that I want to see and talk to--no celebrities for me.

hanner said...

I love that picture. I love that pitcher.

Eliza said...

Aw, sisters! Mother!

bonny with a Y said...

i love my mom and my sisters as well - and i am thankful for daughters.

i loked those family pix - except we did them at high noon, so the lightingois not so flattering, we should have waithed a few hours, then they would have been bellissima.

bonny with a Y said...

whew - i need to do a little proofreading before i hit publish - sorry.