Sunday, March 15, 2009

Heard it on NPR

Because it is the Ides of March, here's an old Ides of March photo. Maybe I should make a book of them. This must be 2000 maybe?

So, Garrison Keillor had a "joke" weekend - some were pretty lame but some were really funny - of course I was driving so I couldn't write them down.

I did remember two of them:

What's a paranoid dyslexic? Someone who thinks they are following someone.

Why did the Romans close the collesium? The lions were eating the prophets (profits).

And this one really needs a voice feature - try to imagine it:

Knock, knock? Who's there? Sam and Janet. Sam and Janet who? Sam and Janet evening, you will see a stranger.

Maybe you had to be there.

1 comment:

hanner said...

haha, I only heard the first 15 minutes or so of the jokes before I fell asleep. but I enjoy sam and janet.