Sunday, August 02, 2009

The LA Scene - back in the day!!

I'm pretty sure this is a house my Grandpa Clayton lived in with his second wife Helen Pratt. I remember going to their house - but that would be in the late 40's and this shot is from 1938 - maybe he lived there awhile. This house seems familiar to me - but it could just look like lots of California houses I've seen over time.

This is a shot of my day and it says "1938"on the back. My dad would be 22 years old. It would be a couple of years before he got married.

My parents were married in the photo, but I don't know whose house it is. Click on the image and see Uncle Paul with his wife Aunt June on the far left. Seems like my Uncle Paul has always had white hair - but apparently not as a young adult!! I don't know who the others are - probably friends or maybe cousins. The Claytons were pretty social!!

That "LA Look" is pretty ageless it seems!

1 comment:

D. Scott said...

You're right it is ageless.