Monday, October 26, 2009

Young Women - and Relief Society

I have been busy this weekend and have not finished my posts on the great meeting we had on the 17th. But I was at a Stake Council meeting this a.m., and Celia Reed shared some of her impressions from their session with Sister Dalton, Young Women General President.

New Beginnings - January 1997 - The Grahams!

She talked about how Personal Progress was supposed to be just that, personal, and as a consequence, many girls were not achieving it. Apparently if the items don't get done at YW meetings, they just don't get done for some girls.

Celia said that she thought of the many young women she knew who do not have supportive home lives, or whose families deal with so many difficult issues that Personal Progress just goes under the radar. Sister Dalton had suggested that Relief Society sisters might be recruited to mentor some of these young women.

I was struck by what a great suggestion that is - and want to work out the details to see about implementing such a plan. Of course it would require prayer and direction - but I believe that carefully structured, such a plan could benefit the lives of young women - and the Relief Society sisters who could help them.

There are exciting times ahead for all of us!

1 comment:

Claire said...

The Monrovia ward many moons ago did a "secret grandma" project for the young women to get to know some of the older women in RS. That is how I met Thea Roberts. I was a very messed up kid and the only member in my family. Thea was gruff and set in her ways but she looked out for me and helped me through one of the hardest parts of my life. She taught me so much about perseverance and doing what is right and understanding that sometimes things will just never be perfect. I love her and miss her very much. I think giving the girls a mentor can be mutually beneficial. I'd like to think I gave Thea something other than a headache, but you'd probably have to ask her about that one! :)