For the last 5 years, we have taken the Clifton 8th graders to see a Shakespeare "sampler" at the Glendale Center Theater. It's a "play within a play" about a troupe of actors who are shipwrecked on an island. Prospero comes and tells them to prove the "virtue, civility and mystery of love" or else he will keep them forever on the island.

It's a pretty lively performance - most of the kids enjoy it. Some do not - and some are even a bit rude - like the young lady behind me who kept repeating, "This is so boring." I finally turned around and told her I'd take her out if she didn't stop. She seemed to believe me, so she at least stopped saying it. I'm pretty sure she didn't appreciate it! After the show, the 8th grade chairman said, "This makes me think we need to start exposing kids to Shakespeare in Kindergarten!!"
We were not the only school in attendance, but the other schools were private schools. For a number of reasons, those kids were better behaved and more appreciative.
I have often noticed that many students have not been taught about appropriate behavior for different settings. We almost can't condemn them, since they may not know better.
But we did give them instructions before we left. Not following instructions may be something they learned at home however, so once again condemnation is not the answer.
So we keep instructing them at school - in lots of things!
what a great opportunity for them to go to that play at least. and I agree kids need to be taught more - etiquette would be nice to do during lunch but the teachers want to have their own lunch hour. (i can't blame them)
at our elementary school we've started doing ballroom dancing for the 4th and 5th graders. it's pretty cool.
They had dancing at my elementary for 6ht graders - every Friday in the afternoon - we all loved it - in fact, at our 20 year high school reunion, that's what everyone talked about!!
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