Saturday, March 26, 2011

Remembering about having fun!

This photo is identified as July 1998, but I don't think it is. Noah doesn't look 11 here - and it's a beach in Santa Barbara and Bonny and Bruce weren't in Santa Barbara in 1998. I remember the occasion - at least I think I do - either Leslie was here or Alice was here and we drove up to see Bonny.

So much for labeling photos!

Anyway, this one is the trip to Yosemite in 1991 - and that's Noah as a 4 year old, sitting on that old stool that we still have, in his Batman cape - the one that was attached to a tee shirt. He wore that one out I think.

I wish it was a close-up, though you can click on it for a better view. It just seems like Noah is there waiting for adventure to happen.

Kind of a good way to start a day.

I need to remember that!

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