Saturday, March 12, 2011


What is it about hair and perms and length and color and cut? (And the fact that no matter what I do, I have a wave in front that will not be tamed!)

Donna and I at Phoebe's Monrovia Days Court Installation dinner - 1994 I think.

We are going to Utah for Virginia's funeral, so I am going to miss my hair appointment. I have a beloved hair stylist who moved east. But she comes back once a month for Friday and Saturday to take care of her clientele. Often the Saturdays she is here conflict with something else, so I have a hard time getting an appointment. I go longer between haircuts than I would like too.

This will be one of those Saturdays - can I survive until April??


Keli said...

That is quite the dedicated stylist you have! Wow! Isn't it funny how once we find someone that "gets" our hair, it's hard to ever find another who compares? And it seems they always leave, too.

grannybabs said...

By "east" in mean Murietta - which is on the way to San Diego. Lest anyone think I meant the East coast!!