Friday, March 22, 2013

Is there a theme here??

H. and I have a new hobby - watching old westerns!  I was about ready to give it up though - until last night when we watched High Noon.  I had forgotten what a fine film it was - so tense, so finely drawn, so gripping - and I even knew how it ended - but that didn't diminish the suspense.

There's a lot of history too - lots of drama from the McCarthy era spilled over into the making and marketing of this film.  At least time has turned that response around and the world does indeed know what a gem this is.

I am moving right along with my Sandra Dallas list of books that I love to read!!  Most of them take place in the Colorado Gold Rush West - so it goes right along with the movie theme!!  The Chili Queen is a pretty good "whodunit" too - and I love how she weaves characters and events from other stories into the ones I am reading - better than a sequel because you never know when an old face will pop up!!  This one had a "surprise" ending - and even though I read the last page first, I still couldn't figure it out until I'd read the last sentence!!  That takes some skill!

I remember seeing Shane as a teen - and liking it a lot.  Not sure why now - it does have a good story line - and some "high drama" too.  But it seems so dated.  Whereas High Noon - a film that is of the same vintage - seemed as current as ever.  

Not sure what our next flick will be - I voting for Red River - because it has Montgomery Clift - a heart throb from my era!!

And Harry is working late tonight - so I guess I will go back to my next Sandra Dallas novel, Tallgrass.  So far, it's pretty good.

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