Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Daily thoughts

In the spirit of not making resolutions, I was going to resolve to post daily.

I think such a resolution will go the way of my resolutions in the past to write daily in a journal.

About the only things I do daily are pray, eat, sleep, work, and floss my teeth (sometimes I don't get in my scripture reading!!)

And I read the blogs - but not always daily - we go away sometimes where there are no computers.

Actually, there are a number of things I do daily - but they are not fodder for a blog - they are the mundane processes of life.

Our office manager posts a "quotable quote" every school day - and so I started printing them up and posting them for my students to see - but I looked the other day and the same one had been up for quite a few days.

I wonder why it's so hard to do things daily? Even writing in a journal weekly or monthly would be a lot more journal writing than I have collected! But I haven't even done that.

If I had written dates on the backs of photos as soon as I had picked them up - back in the day when you had to take your photos in to be developed - I would not have hundreds of photos waiting to be put in order somewhere. (Are any of you wondering when the anniversary posts will resume? I am!)

If every week I tackled one chore - think of all I would get done. I make plans like that all the time.

They are usually only plans though - not much implementation.

But I'm pretty busy - I don't fritter away much time - except when I check the blogs - that's probably frittering!!

At the end of each day, I can put together a pretty credible list of accomplishments. So why do I feel like nothing got done?

And the photo at the top of the page? My college convocation in 1968. Graduating from college was not on any list I ever wrote up.

But it got done!

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