Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Daily Gratitude Journal

Hmm - love the oversized glasses, don't you? Noah would probably approve though - he's one for adopting his very own style!!

Noah was a sweet baby - and he still is a sweet person. Loved to sit in my lap as a very young baby - and have stories read to him. He would literally sit there for an hour while I read - he was 9 or 10 months old. (Remember Dad's Back?)

Usually not too critical of others. Very kind to children and old people. Comes by that honestly. Somewhat opinionated though. But then, he actually comes by that honestly too - we are an opinionated bunch.

One time coming out of the old Sav-on, a blind man was sitting on the sidewalk playing a guitar with an open case that folks were dropping money into. Noah was about 4 or 5. He wanted to put some money in, so I gave it to him. He came back and said, "I know what I can be when I grow up. I can be a person who plays the guitar for people on the sidewalk."

Noah is quite creative - hopefully he will find his niche some day soon!!

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