Saturday, April 30, 2011

Long time, no see!

I have been imminently satisfied with the computer set-up in our household, but then my techno-tastes are quite simple. Harry is annoyed by the fact that certain parts of the house have better wireless reception than others. Since he has a multitude of devices, this gets to be a problem at times. I just use one computer, so I have no complaints.

In an attempt to rectify this problem, Harry got some new device to install - please don't ask me to explain - on the box it says, "wireless-n router and repeater" if that means anything to any of you. It not only did not solve the problem, it created some problems. For example, no internet access and the printer no longer worked!

So, until just now, I have not had access to the computer. It was not a huge problem - I just missed a few days of blogging - my daily streak has not been perfect anyway, so that is no great loss. And I read three books - Harry was not home part of the time - I had plenty of "chores" that could have filled my time - but instead of wasting time on the computer - I read 3 books!!

I will note them on the book blog, but if you are interested, they were Helen of Pasadena, Book of A Thousand Days, and Left Neglected - which I'm still reading. It's kind of fun to tear through books instead of doing chores - or blogging!!

My one regret was Friday a.m. I wanted to log on and see "the dress" but alas, I had to wait until I got to school - and on our school computers, I had to click on the computer between pictures to take away the box that comes up to say I'm not supposed to be accessing those sites!! (It was the LA Times for heaven sake!)

The dress was not a disappointment either. I loved it - maybe now wedding dresses will get a little classier!!

We can only hope!!

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