Sunday, April 05, 2009

Conference Wrap up

Conference is indeed over for another 6 months - and I will need all that time to ponder and digest the many wonderful talks.

Looks like Eve took her conference watching time to hone her artistic skills - she presented this drawing to Harry and me. She noted that he was holding his scriptures!

Speaking of President Monson, his retelling of the very sad and moving story of the woman who lost her entire family after the war certainly gave me pause. I read a lot about the Holocaust and pre and post war Germany and the sad truth is that there are thousands of stories just like this woman's story. We are truly blessed, but we still need to develop and nurture our faith so that we can withstand the trials - whatever they may be - that await us. I read a book several years ago that included the letters and journals of the time President Benson spent in Europe after the war. It was very moving - and I loaned it to someone - I can't remember who - and never got it back - and it's out of print - at least it was several years ago - and now I can't even remember the title - but he encountered many faithful Saints who had truly been through the refiner's fire - and he told their stories so that they would not be forgotten.

As usual Elder Bednar was inspiring. They all were actually - I am eager to dissect them all a bit more closely. There didn't seem to be any "buzz words" but we don't really need "buzz words" to focus and realign our lives.

What inspired you?


D. Scott said...

I really loved Elder Holland's talk and also Pres. Uchtdorf's at the Priesthood session.
Of course they are all great and I too will need six months to digest them. Hurray for the ipod!

Alice said...

I, too, liked Elder Holland's talk. It has elements that I had never stopped to think about before. The atonement is a marvelous topic and one that is never fully understood.