Sunday, April 12, 2009

The week ahead

The week ahead promises to be relaxing and rejuvanating - verily it could even be life-changing.

Mostly I'm excited to be getting closer to solving my current pain-management problem.

But I'm also thinking of the books I can read, the movies I can watch, the emails I can send, the blogs I can post, the blogs I can read, the sewing I can do - sit down jobs work for me - and I've refined my sewing set up to include a swivel chair for the ironing board/sewing machine desk and I can make an apron without standing up!

And Mom, Hester and Donna are coming out on Tuesday to visit !

The possibilities are endless!

Call or come by or email or just have a good thought for me!!

(I'm not planning to go fishing - or get down to 110 lbs. - but it seemed like a good photo for this post!)


Diane said...

You are going to have a wonderful week. Lots of well-deserved attention, both to your body and soul. I'll bet there are so many Relief Society ladies just waiting for you to 'go down' so that they can come in and fuss over you. Take everything that comes your way, you might get something new and different and special! You deserve it. And when it is all over you will be practically brand new again!

I will continue sending the good thoughts your way.

grannybabs said...

Thanks - I feel better already finding a comment on my post this early in the a.m.!!

Karen said...

Jeff was asking me what you are having done on your knees. Didn't you fall? What is the diagnosis? Jeff will be having knee surgery soon. He was hit hard playing basketball and tore his acl.

grannybabs said...

Fortunately mine is not a torn ACL - I just have two torn meniscus - one on each knee - a matched set so to speak!! ACL repair has a longer recovery time - or so I am told. The surgery is outpatient - they make a small slit in each knee and go in with a little fiber optic camera and trim off the torn part of the meniscus - I certainly hope they don't fine more than that!! I did fall - on both knees on concrete steps - there was a chunk of concrete that had broken - and that is what I tripped on - at school - so it's a Workman's comp deal - which is why it has taken so long.

If Jeff's knees hurts as much as mine does, I'm not sure how he can abide it - the pain for me is constant - and none of the painkillers they have subscribed has done any good! (Hence I'm sleep deprived most of the time!)

grannybabs said...

that would be "knee" not "knees" - see how I'm falling apart - once the grammar goes, who knows what terror lurks!

And when did they start "subscribing" pain meds??

Phoebe said...

I don't think I have ever seen you holding a fishing pole in "real life".

We are all ready for you to be feeling better! Except now you don't have as many excuses to sit and read!

Troy and Bonnie Card said...

I'll be thinking of you on the 17th!!!!!!

Karen said...

Jeff had a torn meniscus back in 2000. He understands your pain.
This acl is on his other knee. It doesn't seem to cause a lot of pain right now, he just can't straighten it, because it will buckle under him. So his running and basketball days are over until he has surgery and recovers.

If I remember right his recovery for the meniscus wasn't too bad, but then it wasn't on both knees!

I hope your surgery goes well and the recovery is fast and you are feeling good again soon!