Saturday, April 04, 2009

General Conference Time

October, 1963 - the first time I ever attended General Conference in person.

Over the years, our venue for General Conference has flipped back and forth. Sometimes we went to the Stake Center and sometimes we watched at home - or at Grandma Terrill's house - depending on who had the right T.V. reception. When I was a child at home, we'd sit on dining room chairs and listen to the Sunday morning session at home - on the radio! When we lived in Utah - many years ago - conference was on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I enjoyed Fridays in front of the T.V. doing my 6 months worth of ironing that I had saved up!

More than once, Conference has meant quilts, pillows, pj's and snacks in the family room.

I recall October of 1985 when Elder McConkie gave his now famous final conference address - whenever anyone quotes those famous lines, I am once again seated in the darkened Stake Center with a sleeping infant Hannah in my lap - and tears come to my eyes.

General Conference time always involves Bonny's birthday!

I recall specifically going to the Stake Center, even when we had reception at home, so that I could stay focused. Often a teen or two was with me - taking notes for Seminary scrutiny on Monday. I recall the Sunday session when we were at the Stake Center and Elder Haight spoke about Connie McMurray - and I realized he was talking about Grandma Connie.

One year General Conference combined Easter - as it often does - with a trip to visit Donna in SLC and to stay with our good friend Ronnie Horton - it was 1994 to be exact.

Frequently we've squeezed in General Conference sessions with the St. George Marathon.

And I recall prom dress shopping between sessions!

Conference for a few years in a row involved driving the youth there - in The Van. Fun times.

On Friday, I was trying to explain to my instructional aide why this weekend would be different. The cultural construct that is General Conference is difficult to explain.

I'm off to the family room couch to snuggle with Dad and watch conference!


bonny with a Y said...

i remember taking this picture!! and am excited to learn about our new apostle - elder anderson.

grannybabs said...

Bonny commented before I added to the post - she took the shot of all of us on the floor of the family room - another plus about Conference Time was having Bonny come home to visit!!

Eliza said...

The first time I watched Elder McConkie's final testimony (besides at age 2, I guess) was in a class at BYU. You can watch the final part here (it's divided into 3 videos).

I also remember shopping for a prom dress between Saturday sessions.

My favorite conference memory was October 2000...I think the Saturday afternoon session, or maybe it was Sunday morning. I felt connected to all of the speakers during that conference, but most strongly to Elder Maxwell, who delivered his talk "The Tugs and Pulls of the World." I have read it and listened to it dozens of times since. Somehow I had never paid attention to him before (probably because I was only 17). After that session I hunted down everything I could find by him. I also loved his final conference talk, "Remember How Merciful the Lord Hath Been." That was in a priesthood session, so I had to read it instead of listen to it. But that was a powerful one for me also. I miss him dearly.

I also miss the other apostles who have died since then. President Faust's talks always touched me, as did Elder Wirthlin's. It's amazing how much the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency have changed in just five short years. In terms of who's populating them, that is. :)

Long comment! Hope you had a great day!

grannybabs said...

I was wondering when I posted if the talk had been in April or October - but the memory included Hannah - since it was indeed in April - and Hannah was born in August, I guess I have just always connected that talk with Hannah's birth. But I do remember sitting in the darkened Stake Center - and I would only have been 4 months pregnant, so I certainly wasn't terribly "big with child"- but the connection has stuck with me anyway.

I do remember being in General Conference sessions with Hannah after she was born - she was a pretty mellow baby.

"Snapshot" memories have a way of containing some "errata" but it's the price you pay for "speed blogging!"