Thursday, December 02, 2010

Advent - day two

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 2 roller skates and one very large kelp!

Another Christmas memory I treasure is the year I got a pair of roller skates. Unless you're as old as I am, you probably don't remember roller skates that slipped on over your shoes that you tightened with a skate key. And then you wore the key around your neck on a string - because you had to stop often to tighten them.

I don't know if Santa brought me the skates or if my Grandma and Grandpa Stevens gave them to me. As a young child, I remember my grandparents always coming out on Christmas day and bringing nice gifts - almost as good as the ones Santa brought.

But the part of the memory that I treasure most is the memory of my Grandpa Stevens patiently holding on to my hand as I put my other hand on the outside walls of the house and practiced riding on my skates. (Our house was tiny and square - truly lent itself to being a roller rink in training!!) He stayed with me until I could do it on my own with confidence - I'm not sure I have that kind of patience today!!

When Harry (my husband) was a boy, he cut through his knee with a skill saw. His father grabbed him up and drove him to the hospital. He didn't scold or tell Harry he should have been more careful. Rather he stayed with Harry until he was stitched up and home in bed, comforting him and assuring him that all would be well.

Harry has often commented that this was a seminal experience for him. In spite of any differences he had with his father, he truly knew, had truly experienced, the love and tenderness of a devoted father. His father had not been a demonstrative man, and was somewhat stern and strict. But Harry knew that his father would not let that stand in the way of truly being a loving father to Harry.

My grandpa was critical of my mother. He thought she had too many children. He thought she spent too much of her time and energy and resources on church. He thought women didn't belong in college and would not support her desire to attend. My grandpa was also strict and not very demonstrative. My journey around the little house, holding on to the rough plastered walls while he held on to me persuaded me that my grandpa loved and cared about me.

From that point on, I found myself very comfortable with him. I could speak frankly to him and he would speak frankly back. And I knew he cared about what I thought and said. I felt that I had a relationship with him - and I look forward to meeting him again someday.

I loved my roller skates. We played with them all the time - up and down the neighbors' driveway. Roller skating filled our summer days and nights. And most other days and nights too.

But I love the experience I had learning to skate even more - it was a priceless gift.


fstephenson said...


I Remember that bar!! I remember the time Lyn and I got caught playing bar. Grandpa was furious!!

Phoebe said...

Great insight, Mom.