Monday, November 16, 2015

Gratitude Journal - blog style - post number 16!

I am grateful for a happy childhood!  When I was a girl, I loved paper dolls. McCalls magazine had Betsy McCall paper dolls in their issue each month.  My mom never bought magazines - but my good friend Judy, who lived next door, got McCall's magazine every month!!  So glad she was will to share with Alice and me!

We usually took our allowance each Saturday and went to the matinee at the Panorama Theater. But if we didn't, we went to the Buy-Lo dime store on Chatsworth and bought whatever paper dolls we could afford.

We had a whole world of paper dolls - and even cut out pictures of rooms from the newspaper and any magazines we could get hold of and had homes for our world of paper dolls!!

It's hard to understand if you didn't live it, but live it we did - and what a joy it was!!  I have distinct memories of sitting on the floor in front of my seated mom and cutting out my newest set of paper dolls while she curled my freshly washed hair for Sunday.

I encouraged Bonny to love paper dolls and bought her lots of them - she played with them some, but they never quite took over her life as they had ours.  

Maybe they were just for a time and place - and I'm glad I was in that time and place!!

We also had good times just playing in our yard.  There were a lot of us, so there was always someone to play with.  Neighbor kids came over often - and when my dad was building our house, the construction site was a wonderful playground!
Not sure what to say about those pincurls on my forehead - perhaps I thought they were stylish - or maybe I just wanted the hair out of my eyes!!

So thankful for a the wonders of childhood and the joys I experienced!!

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