Thursday, April 30, 2009

I have far too much time on my hands!!

I need to get off the couch and back into my classroom - as soon as the doctor releases me back to work that is - because I have run out of books to read, movies to watch, people to talk to on the phone or in person - and I'm left with blogging! (In all fairness, I was at the computer paying bills - trying to be useful!!)

It is one of my niece's birthday today, so I was searching for an old photo of her - and came across this shot of Sam and Ara in 1998. I believe it was at the Terrill's Annual Ides of March Party.

I've always liked this shot - not sure why - just a couple of cute kids loving the piano. Ara plays pretty well now - don't know about Sam!

We loved having the Faulconer's in our ward - we still miss them.

"Play it again Sam!"


Eliza said...

Matt told me you joined yes...I'm thinking that you do have too much time on your hands!

grannybabs said...

Except I don't know what to do with Twitter - I mostly wanted to be able to keep up with Hannah and Robbie and their journey across the country.

But it's endless!! (I mean the Twitter comments - and they only come from like 5 or 6 people!)

hanner said...

Sam is so cute! I just went to lunch with Kacy the other day and she had Ellen and Ben with her. My how time flies.