Saturday, May 07, 2011

Sister Carrie - the movie and the book

A few weeks ago - during the Oscars in fact - the LA Times had a story about great films that should have gotten Oscar nods. One of the films they featured was Carrie - a film adaptation of Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie.

I first read Sister Carrie in college - in an American lit class - and as is my wont, I then read just about every novel Theodore Dreiser wrote. As a result, I actually like other novels more than this one, but this seems to be the most "famous" one.

The Times article - and other reviews I read - praise the film version, asserting that Laurence Olivier gives his finest film performance ever. And wondered aloud why he was not given an Oscar nod.

I guess I'm not a film critic - the "age" of a film sometimes gets in my way. But the final scene was certainly powerful - Olivier does know how to be tragic!

The book is worth a read if you haven't read it yet. And the film is worth a look-see if you are a film buff.

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