Thursday, November 06, 2014

Month of Gratitude

In my early married years, I always wore aprons.  Then they sort of went out of vogue, so I didn't wear them as often.  Then they came into vogue with a vengeance, and they are still in fashion.  And I usually wear them - especially on Sundays when dinner is at our house.  And since I have such an extensive wardrobe of aprons, I need to wear them or they stare at me accusingly!

I love to make and give aprons away too.  They always seem to be appreciated, and that is one of the perks of making them.  I love to browse through fabric stores looking for great apron material.  And I love to sew them and watch old movies on my portable DVD player - it's a great way to pass an otherwise empty evening and not feel abandoned.

I am truly grateful for aprons and all they represent in my life!!

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