Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tuesday's Timeless Tintype

Every so often I have a moment of nostalgia and remember Cosmos - and Amado and Elizabeth - but not Baby Kitty - I didn't really mind when he left. I am not an animal person, but then again, Cosmos was more than just a cat!


Phoebe said...

Is that Hannah or Eliza? Weird, I can't tell.

Eliza said...

I spelled it Cosmo. Was I the only one?

Definitely Hannah. Haha. That's funny that you can't tell.

Matt and many other people make fun of me for my love for a cat that's borderline worship...pictures of Cosmo in my wallet for years after he died, for example...but he was just such a good cat. And not at all put on a pedestal all these years later, of course...anyway, not many things nicer than going to sleep with Cosmo purring next to you.

Eliza said...

P.S. I always liked Mariposa.

bonny with a Y said...

I spelled it cosmo too - from cosmo topper

hanner said...

Big nose, big lips... it's me.

And I think Mom is the only one that spells it Cosmos. Sorry, Barb.

And I also liked Mariposa.

grannybabs said...

I spell it "Cosmos" because he was the center of the universe! (Actually "cosmo" means world!!)

I like to have certain distinctions applied to me!!