Our own Miss Annika has been having headaches, so she's having a CT scan to see if the tumbles she took at Christmas time and after have caused something like a concussion.

We send her our best and hope she's feeling better soon. As a child, a teen, a young adult, and a regular adult, I have been plagued with headaches - so I totally sympathize. I used to bombard my mom with requests for trips to the eye doctor - I was sure I needed glasses (I didn't need them until I was 37!) I often was sure I had some rare disease. As I have grown older and wiser, I have found some of the triggers - anxiety, not enough chocolate (seriously - I seem to need a caffeine kick sometimes!!), not enough sleep, and allergies - which trigger post-nasal drip which wreaks havoc with my sinuses.
So I hope it's something simple - or at least not something major. Although a diagnosis of "we can't find anything" isn't very comforting.
I was going to post daily on a resolution I was going to make and keep, but I seem to have strayed from my intended plan.
Not unlike other years and other resolutions.
I'd rather send my good wishes to Annika anyway!
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