Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Christmas in February

I recently heard that a woman I used to babysit and work for died last week. I went looking for a Christmas card from her that I thought was in my possession. It may actually be in my possession, but I can't lay my hands on it! It had a photograph of her and her family. I thought a nice post about her and my experiences babysitting and cleaning house for her would be interesting - to me anyway, and maybe even some of my siblings - I think her son was the age of Leslie.

Didn't find the card - but I did find this one!! I believe it is even heretofore unpublished!!

You saw it here first folks!!

If you can't tell, it's Bonny and Harry. Bonny doesn't look real happy about being in the picture with Santa. I can't say I blame her. But it seemed important at the time!

I also found some Valentines that Harry the Dad had written to Phoebe, Eliza, and Hannah - and I mailed them off to them. They were from 1993. I also found a Mother's Day card from Noah - vintage 1993 or so. It had MOTHER down one side and then a sentence for each letter. I loved the R one: "R is because she is Reasonable."

You heard it here folks!!

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