I have taken to carrying a somewhat smaller-than-usual purse of late. It's handy in many ways. It holds everything I need to have on my person. Except a camera. For that reason, I seem to forget to go out to the car and get my camera to take pictures. So I have improvised here!!

Tonight I attended Amber Burdick's Senior Recital at APU. Amber is a harpist - and a very fine one at that. I told her that she was only the 2nd harpist I had ever known personally. Too bad, because based on the two I know, these are musicians I should be getting acquainted with!! And the music written for harp is quite lovely.
Amber did a beautiful job. The music was lovely. Even the rain didn't dampen our spirits - because with the carefully selected music, we could rise above it all.
The program included composers I knew - Faure, Hindemith, and Ravel. And composers I didn't know - Ibert, Renie, and Albeniz. But I'm thinking I've heard of Jacques Ibert.
The Ravel at the end - Introduction et Allegro, which included 2 violins, a viola, a cello, a flute, and a clarinet - was quite lovely.
And you had to be there!!
(The cookies and cocoa afterward were very fine also!!)
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