Friday, February 18, 2011

Just another manic Thursday!!

Actually it was a pretty mellow day at Clifton. It was the Founder's Day assembly at the end of the day, so every period was 10 minutes shorter than usual, and there was no SSR.

Bill Card as principal at Clifton circa 1996.

Marcie got the Golden Apple award, and I was the presenter - so that was fun. It was also MJ's b-day, so I stopped by the homestead - it's always good to be with the girlfriends.

But I did deal with a rude parent. I hate that. I wish I could just say, "What is the matter? Why am I at fault for your bad day? Can I help you?" Instead I have to measure my words carefully so that none of them can be misconstrued.

It won't be the kids who drive me into retirement. It will be the adults.

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